
By Joey & Charity Parrish

Release 8

A NASA intern in the 1960s scrambles to make Apollo 11 a success.

MoonShot was created with Inform and has IFID D859E460-8739-4447-B054-16A0BB8F4CDF.

We recommend you play in a browser, since everyone has one of those, and we spent a lot of effort styling the game for that environment.

But if you are an Interactive Fiction enthusiast, you may also download the Blorb file to play in the Glulx interpreter of your choice.


  • If you have never played an old-school text-based adventure game or a MUD, type help to get a gentle introduction to the sorts of things you can do.
  • Type verbs to get a quick reference list of the actions you might need to complete the game. Nobody likes solving the puzzle of "what exact phrase should I type".
  • For casual play, try typing easy mode, and the game will highlight interesting objects for you.
  • Everyone has a name! Get to know the characters by typing ask about name or talk for suggestions on topics to ask them about.
  • Some actions involve luck. Feel free to try something more than once if you don't succeed.
  • You can type undo to undo any action, including one that results in the game ending.
  • You can also type save to save your game and restore to load a save.
  • The game takes place over three days, the third of which is a sort of epilogue.
  • There are 9 ways to end the game, 3 of which count as winning. You can even die before you leave the first room if you're dedicated. :-)
  • There are many hidden items and fun extras, so explore and try things!
  • If you get lost, there is a map.